Hello friends! This section is for your convenience to get in touch with JenzJourneys for contact & press! I would be happy to provide you a photo should you like or feel free to select from my courtesy photos below:
Media Kit:
Press about JenzJourneys
💻 https://www.narcity.com/the-best-summer-destinations-in-ontario-according-to-travel-influencers
Interviews about/with JenzJourneys
JenzJourneys is currently accepting proposals for podcasts, interviews and speaking opportunities.
💻 AT THE HEART OF BUSINESS https://www.tvrogers.com/media?lid=237&rid=2&gid=630111
💻 LOVE & BUSINESS https://youtu.be/9a1w4SimbdA
Articles by Jennifer Logan/JenzJourneys
💻 https://www.todotoronto.com/posts/hawaiian-vibes-in-torontos-harbour
I am looking forward to hearing from you. Please feel free for Contact & Press – get in touch with JenzJourneys via the email address below, I will get back to you as soon as possible!
First pic is taken at Parc Omega! To read more about it click https://jenzjourneys.com/15-cool-unique-stays-in-canada/ or to book click https://www.parcomega.ca ! Other pics include Greig’s Caves and The One Eighty. Thanks for reaching out to get in touch with Jenz Journeys!