Have you heard the exciting news?! Austria’s largest airport, Vienna International Airport, has taken a futuristic step that will make your next layover experience more relaxing and enjoyable! If you want a good night sleep or just some quiet time to relax, unwind and recharge, you no longer need to leave the airport, instead head over to the 2nd floor of terminal 3 where you’ll find 16 rentable sleeping pods curtesy of Zzzleepandgo! That’s right, Vienna’s Airport now has rentable sleeping pods and here’s what you need to know!

Booking your pod!
Okay so first off is a pro tip, first hand, lived and learned information… you have to reserve a pod at least 24hrs in advance. There are no exceptions. 3 of us (not travelling together) ended up at the sleeping pods at the same time all hoping to book a pod on arrival. There were plenty of pods available but we couldn’t secure a booking. I even went as far as calling the emergency line number that was posted for customer assistance only to find out the hard way there is nothing they can do to rent pods to willing customers inside of the 24hr time frame window. To book your advance stay visit the following website, choose your language (and airport) and then follow the step by step prompts.
How much is it to rent a pod?
The pod stays start at €54 – €83. The base price varies by availability, dates and how far in advance you reserve. The further out you book the cheaper your rate will be. The base rate includes check in after 23:00 with a check out of before 06:00. In addition to the base rate you can also purchase the following additions:
- Early check in for €5 more allowing check in after 20:00 with a check out of before 06:00.
- Late check out for €5 more allowing check in after 23:00 with a check out of before 08:00.
- The ”All night” stay for €9 more allowing check in after 20:00 with a check out of before 8:00.
- Free cancellation for €5 more (alternatively there are no cancellations for any reason and your payment will be forfeited should you cancel)
- A pillow for €9 more
- A blanket for €10 more
- A pillow and blanket combo pack for €15 more
To give you an idea about cost, the most expensive pod booking I could find, with everything included was €112 and the cheapest pod booking was €54 without any extras. Comparatively, The Marriott group hotel across the street started at €189 for the night I was there.
Finding the Pods!
This may sound easy right?! Terminal 3, 2nd floor and when in doubt ask someone? Not so much. They are relatively new and not very many of the airport employees have heard of them. This included employee from information, bar tenders, duty free, lounges, security, airlines and more! I will post on my YouTube the hour adventure I spent exploring this relatively small terminal which will offer you visual of where and where not to go. Ultimately I showed a picture of the pods to a grounds worker. He didn’t speak any english, but led me to them we thankfully made it! In hindsight it was pretty straightforward and I should have trusted my own navigation.
- Pass through passport control (my passport control officer also was familiar with the pods and their location.) and
- Go to the main area of Terminal 3 where people enter to check in.
- Pods are located at the very far end of Terminal 3 on the 2nd floor before heading to the train station.
Here is a picture from the website or feel free to watch the visual of the walk through. I will attach the link here when I upload it with a walk through of the pod stay experience as well.

Checking into your pod!
Having not stayed I can only share how to get started. Upon arrival follow the prompts on the touchscreen:
- Choose your language
- Enter your phone number
Sorry guys! This is as far as I made it as they verify your reservation via your phone number. I did note a place to scan your passport as one of the steps.

Included in your pod!
As luck with have it one of the pods was left open and I was able to go inside to give you a tour, check out the link below for a walk through tour. The pods are a cozy futuristic space that offer:
- Bed.
- Desk.
- Free WiFi.
- Local European Charging Ports and USB ports.
- Adjustable lights.
- Privacy – You can close the window on the door or the curtain hanging from the ceiling.
- Security – door is electronically locked from outside and opens for you by the handle on the inside.
- Entertainment – Enjoy multimedia content via the touch screen panel installed inside the pod. They offer videos, music and funny games.

As a result of my unsuccessful attempt at booking a rentable pod, I ended up joining the masses on the airport chairs for a little snooze. In hindsight, I was thankful to save the money but disappointed about not being able to try out the pod experience or relax. Hopefully, my experience has helped you and you are now fully informed thanks to this blog “Vienna’s Airport has rentable sleeping pods and here’s what you need to know!”